Friday, April 4, 2014

No, no, thank YOU...

I am delighted to be in the acknowledgments for Tawna Fenske's upcoming novel, Frisky Business.  Even more than I might be otherwise, because of the reason WHY I'm being thanked...

Page 345, according to Google Books.

Because when you find antique sex toys, it's good to have friends who WANT to get that photo.

On a related note, it's also good to have writer-friends who know better than to ask if you've done all the dirty things you write about in your books.  (Does anyone ask Stephen King if he's really murdered a ton of people? NO.)

And it's GREAT to have a husband who spots a pair of stone dildos at a vintage market, and immediately says, "I'll take the kids so you can photograph those and text all your perverted girlfriends."

I'm a lucky, lucky woman.

They were $40 each.  Shoulda bought one.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Love it! I'm starting to get nervous about release day now, but feeling relieved by some of the initial positive reviews (especially this one from Kirkus: Thanks again for the stone dildo pics!

